Ways to Give

Consider A Multi-Year Pledge

To reach our $10 million fundraising goal, we are encouraging everyone who is capable to consider a multi-year pledge (pledges are for $10,000 or more). The table indicates what the campaign needs to succeed. We are asking the entire camp family to come together for this one-time opportunity to ensure the future of Camp Nebagamon. Thank you for your support!

Level 5-Year Pledge Remaining Pledges Needed
Push $250k+ 2
Counselor $100k+ 2
Lumberjack $75k+ 4
Axeman $50k+ 6
Logger $25k+ 8
Swamper $10k+ 10

If you are not able to make a pledge, please check out the many other ways below to support Camp Nebagamon!

  • We greatly value and accept donations of all sizes via all major credit cards, Venmo, PayPal, Apple and Google Pay, direct bank transfers, and checks. When you donate online, you'll also have the option to set up monthly and yearly recurring gifts, search to see if your gift could be matched by your employer, and designate your gift in honor/memory of someone.

    Please note that Camp Nebagamon has TWO main funds to give to:

    1) Keeping The Fires Burning - perpetuity campaign fund (unrestricted)

    2) Camperships For Nebagamon - financial aid program (restricted)

    When donating online please make sure to select from the dropdown menu which fund you want to designate your gift to. If mailing a check please make note of your intended recipient fund on your check.


    Please send check donations to:

    Camp Nebagamon

    P.O. Box 429

    Lake Nebagamon, WI 54849

  • Appreciated stock is the most-tax advantaged way for donors to support nonprofits. Giving appreciated securities directly to Camp Nebagamon allows a donor to avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated securities, while deducting the full fair market value of stock held for more than one year.

    To initiate a stock donation easily online in minutes, please consider using DonateStock.com/campnebagamon, a free and secure service that facilitates the transfer and reconciliation of gifted securities to non-profits. Camp Nebagamon also has a brokerage account set up to receive gifts of this nature and if you contact us we can assist you with making a stock gift in a traditional way.

  • A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) offers a streamlined approach for individuals keen on philanthropy to manage their charitable contributions while optimizing tax benefits. Through a DAF, donors make a lasting contribution to a sponsoring charity, like a community foundation, establishing a fund that they can later utilize to recommend grants to various charitable organizations. It's a convenient and tax-efficient way to support causes close to their hearts.

    For anyone participating in Donor Advised Funds, you can recommend a grant or recurring grants to Camp Nebagamon to make an immediate impact or use your fund as a tool for future charitable gifts.

    You can also create a lasting legacy by naming Camp Nebagamon the beneficiary of the entire account or a percentage of the fund. With a percentage, you can create a family legacy of giving by naming your loved ones as your successor to continue recommending grants to charitable organizations. Contact your fund administrator for a beneficiary form.

    To recommend a gift through your donor advised fund:

    1) Contact your fund manager to recommend a grant or log into your fund and make a grant online.

    2) Gifts from a donor advised fund to the Camp Nebagamon should be made payable to: Camp Nebagamon, Tax ID 86-3687857.

    3) Mail gifts from donor advised funds to: Camp Nebagamon, P.O. Box 429, Lake Nebagamon, WI 54849

  • A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) represents a taxable distribution from an individual's IRA, excluding ongoing SEP or SIMPLE IRAs, for those aged 70½ or older. This distribution is directly transferred from the IRA to a qualified charity like Camp Nebagamon. Not only does a QCD fulfill the Required Minimum Distribution Requirement, but it also serves as a highly tax-efficient method of charitable giving.

  • Ensuring the enduring legacy of camp involves strategic planning, and one impactful method is through planned giving. Incorporating Camp Nebagamon into your will allows you to make a donation that not only supports us but also offers potential benefits for your estate and inheritance taxes. By leaving a bequest to camp, you're providing for its future while safeguarding your current cash flow. These thoughtful gifts serve both your family's interests and our mission simultaneously, and setting them up is straightforward. Please contact us if you’re considering a planned gift.

  • Thousands of employers will match their employees’ charitable donations to nonprofit organizations. Check with your company to see if they will match your gift to Camp!

Our Supporters

Thank you for keeping the fires burning

Camp Nebagamon thanks this group of donors who have pledged or completed a financial contribution to the “Keeping The Fires Burning” perpetuity campaign. Their generosity ensures the future of Camp Nebagamon for generations to come.

Keith Abeles

David Abrams

Charles & Ruth Adler (In honor of Charles F. Adler, Sr)

Phillip Myers and Kristin Ahlberg

Kareem Al-Bassam

Paula & Jeremy Alexander

Hayley & Max Alpert

American Jewish Committee Cincinnati (In memory of Joanne Wolf)

Susan & Steven Arenberg (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Thomas Arenberg (in memory of Nardie Stein)

Gayle Arlen and Corey Zimmerman

Richard & Shirley Armstrong

Lissa & Joe Arnstein

Aschaffenburg Foundation

Joe M. Badt, Jr.

Rick Baer (in memory of Nardie Stein)

Andrew Baer

Mike & Linda Baker

Sam Baldwin

John Bank

Ben & Laura Barnett

Donna Barrows, Sam & Holly Barrows, Charlie Barrows, and Ted Barrows

Robert & Linda Barrows, Stephen & Mia Barrows, and Geoffrey Barrows and Hélène Ollivier

Lynn and Bob Barth (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Carl Baum

Jim Baumoel (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

The Bearman Family

Robert Behrendt

Herbert Behrstock

Thomas Belin

The Bellaire Family

Craig Bender

Joel Bender

Rachel Bendit (in memory of Bush Helzberg)

Allen Bennett (in honor of the births of Ethan Tucker Elson-Backels and Theodore Andrew Briggs)

Allen Bennett (In memory of Robert Louis (Bob) Nefsky)

Bob and Babs Benton (In honor of Muggs and Janet Lorber, Nardie and Sally Stein)

Matt Berler

Ric Best

The Bezark Family

Deborah Binder, Gaetan and Jai Veilleux (In memory of Nardie Stein)

The Blair Family - Allen "Yogi", Arnold "Tex", Brian, Peter, Kevin, and Fletcher

Brian Blair

Susan & Simon Blattner

Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Bloch

Andy Block

Lorena and Adam Blonsky (In honor of Michael Blonsky)

Adam Bloom

The Bloom Family

Andrew Bloom (In honor of Bob Nefsky)

Sue & Tony Blumberg

Alan, Christine, Justin and Camden Blumberg (In memory of David Blumberg)

Chris Blumenfeld (Olson)

Jeff & Lori Blumenthal, Max Blumenthal, and Jack Blumenthal

Philip Blumenthal (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Laurie Bomba

Mimi and Boppie (In Honor of Adam Eberhard)

John & Elizabeth Breyer

Richard and Lisa Broder Philanthropic Fund

Matthew Brody

Sharon B. Bromberg (In memory of Henri L "Skip" Bromberg III)

Ken and Ann Brown

Alexander Buring

Jeffrey Burnstine

Charles Cahn

Mark Caro

Dan Chait & Megan Cunningham

Robert Chukerman Family

Scott Chukerman

Andy Cohen

Barbara B Cohen

Carol Bayersdorfer Cohen and Ed Cohen

Jeffrey Cohen

Lori Cohen

Lisa & Sherman Cohen

Tom Collinger

Jon & Suzi Colman

Jessica Colman (In honor of Jon & Suzi Colman)

Jeffrey Colman

Condrell Family

Kay and Mike Cosgrove

Connie and Darryl Couts (In Memory of Larry Cartwright and Nardie Stein)

Stuart Cowles

David Crane

Hank Crane

Critchfield/Jain Charitable Fund

The Dattel Family

Raven & Becky Deerwater

Stan DeGroote

Michael Deutsch

Marilyn Diamond (In honor of Nardie Stein)

Jessica Diamond (in honor of Adam Kaplan and Stephanie Hanson)

Elizabeth Dodge

Kara Donahue (in honor of Ethan Berman)

Ben Donchin

Jonathan Dreifus

David Dreifus

Jeffrey Dreyer

Dubinsky Family

William Dubinsky

Ruth Dunn

The Eberhard Family

Chuck Eckert

Richard Effress

Robert & Jodi Eisen

Stephen Ehrlich (In honor of Muggs Lorber)

Robert Elisberg

Andrew & Dana Ellbogen

Thomas Elson

Michael Faber

Peter Fechheimer

Kelli Cohen Fein and Martin Fein (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Jeremy Feiwell (In honor of Robert Feiwell)

James Feldman

Dan Feldman & Gayle Weiswasser

Charlie Felsenthal

Juli-Ann & Jonty Felsher (In memory of Nardie Stein)

Thomas G. Fiffer Charitable Giving Fund

Mark Fischgrund

Joseph Fisher

Scott & Sara Fisher

Eliana & Max Fleischer

Max Fleischer (in honor of the Bentons)

Gary Follman

The Nan & Steve Fox Fund

Amarinder Bindra and Amy Foxman

Brad, Jeana, Ari, and Adele Foxman

Adam Frapart

Bill and Laura Freeman (In honor of the marriage of Michael Freeman to Dr. Negin Dahya)

Julie Friedman

Rocky Fried

Evan Stoper Friedman

William Friedman

Sam and Jane Friedman

Sam Friedman (In memory of Jane Friedman)

William & Marissa Friedman

Andrew Fromm (In honor of Elijah, Walter & Charlie Fromm)

Sophia & Elijah Fromm

Paul G

Greg and Osnat Gafni-Pappas

The Galiks

Betsy & Spencer Garland

Scott Genshaft

Ben Gerber

Jim & Aliza Gerstein

Glenn Gerstell

David Gibbs

Kate & John Gilligan

Dan & Mark Gingiss  (in memory of Nardie Stein)

The Gladstone Family (For Joanne Hirschhorn - may her memory live on in a place she loved)

Bill & Sandy Glassman

Lindsay and Michael Goldberg Charitable Fund

Stephen Goldfarb

Michael Goldman (In Honor of Nardie Stein)

Thomas Goldman (In memory of Alan and Roger Goldman)

J Goldstein

Jordan Goodman

Lisa Goodman (in honor of Jack Goodman and Elliott & Jonah Kleiman)

Andrew and Karyn Gordon (in honor of Nardie Stein)

Jerrold Graber

Martin Gradman

Jim and Martha Gray (In memory of Nardie Stein)

J Gray (in honor of Stephanie Hanson and Adam Kaplan)

Jesse Gray and Family

Alison Greenberg (In Memory Of Allan Sher)

Hunt, Doug, Chris, Brennan and David Greene; and Jane Piccard

Keith Greenwald

Paul Guggenheim (In memory of Nardie Stein)

John Harris

Lucy Harris (In memory of William Harris Gold)

Elizabeth Haspiel

Lois Jane Heller (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Louis Helman

Mike Heldman

Shirley & Barnett Helzberg Jr. Donor Advisory Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City.

Jaye & Bill Hensel

Jaime Hensel (in memory of Joanne Hirschorn Wolf)

Tom & Janie Herman

Barbara Ann Herz

Karen and Bob Herz Family Fund

Joseph Herz

Bud & Hazel Herzog and Family

Jeffrey and Andrea Rich Hesser

Robert & Lynda Hirsch (In memory of Bernard "Nardie" Stein)

The Hirschhorn Family

Adam Hirschhorn

Jason Hirschhorn

Maurice Hirsch and Marian Hirsch (In Honor of Nardie Stein)

Robert & Lynda Hirsch (In memory of Bernard "Nardie" Stein)

The Hirt Family (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Dana Hirt

The Rodgers and Hoffman Families (in honor of Buddy Rodgers)

Mitchell Hoffman

Matthew Hoffman

The Horner Foundation

The Hooper Family (In honor of Matt Hooper)

J Horvath (in honor of Bob Nefsky)

Hal Hudson (In memory of Nardie Stein)

Mark M and Cathy Kaufman Iger

The Isaacs Family

Craig Jacobs

Sheri, David, and Bennet Jacobs

James Jampel & Sandra Marwill

John & Sandra Johnson (In Memory of Jack Fair)

The Jørgensen Family

Fred & Anne Joseph

Michael & Sasha Kahn

Caryn Kahn

Robert Kahn

The Kalishman Family

John Kander

Kanter Family

Suzanne Kanter

Ken and Toni Kanter

K A Kanter (In memory of My parents Lois and Julian Kanter and maternal grandparents, Michael and Leila Weinberg. Especially at this year, Nardie Stein.)

Michael and Elizabeth Kaplan

Robert Kaplan

Nancy Kassel

Benjamin Katz

Brandon Kaufmann

Leo Kayser III

Nicolas Kemper

Richard Kerber

Jane and Euan Kerr

Benjamin Kersten

Eric & Sharapat Kessler

Art Kessler

Dennis & Barbara Kessler

Victor Kessler

Carol Kiersky (in memory of Harry Glasspiegel)

Anderson Kill P.C. (in memory of Bernard Stein)

Micki Klearman

Klein Family Foundation - Yaeil & Steve Klein

Jeffrey Kobacker

Jay Kolbrener

Thomas Kolbrener

Jim "JK" Koretz and Elissa Polan

Ron Koretz

Rick & Stephanie Koretz

Cynthia & Eric Korman

Kerry Kornfeld and Andrea Wilson

H Joshua Kotin

Jeremy Kotin

Eric Kramer & Jill Rubel

Brian & Andrea Kramer

John Kramer & Danielle Brinker

Josh Kuhn

John Kupper (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Andrea L'Tainen (In honor of Allan Sher)

Robert Lapin (In memory of Nardie Stein)

The Lawrence and Reich Family

Dan Laytin and Jennifer Nelson

Nanc Laytin (in memory of William Laytin)

Bob & Cissy Lenobel

Lauren and Syd Lerner

Alan J. Levi

John and Jill Levi

Jeffery Levi

Jon R Levinson

Debra Levis

Josh Levy

Steven & Jayne Lewin

Kenneth A. Lewis

Ken and Sarah Lewis (In honor of Frank Bloom)

Allan Lichtenberg

Ellen & Ed Lieberman

Deana Linfield (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Ronni Lodato (In Memory of Nardie Stien)

Ed Loeb

Elizabeth L Loeb

Jeff Loeb

Thomas Loeb

Carolyn Losos (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Ming Lowe

Susan Lucas (in honor of Sam Lucas)

Robert and Ralinda Lurie

Sam and Susie Luten Family Fund (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Liz and Zach Lutsky

Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Lux and Family (In memory of Paul A. Lux)

Gary Lynn

Kenneth Mack

Andrew Mack (in honor of Ken Kanter)

Joe Maidenberg

Reed Maidenberg

Michael Maidenberg (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Jorie Malk

Jill Kiersky Marcus, Andrew and Josh Marcus

Jason Marczak

Andrew Margolin

Andy May and Nancy Brown

Jack May

The Meadows Family

Mary Kate & Jeff Mellow

Sam Mellow

David Mendelsohn (In honor of Ralph Greil)

Marji and Don Mendelsohn

James Mendelsohn (In honor of Ruth Lorber Rosen and Muggs & Janet Lorber)

Michael Mendelsohn (In honor of Ruth Lorber Rosen and Muggs & Janet Lorber)

Nancy Mendelsohn and Jay Horvath (In honor of Ruth Lorber Rosen and Muggs & Janet Lorber)

Tom Mendelsohn and Julia Gittleman (In honor of Ruth Lorber Rosen and Muggs & Janet Lorber)

Gil Mendelson

Danny & Audrey Meyer

David Michel (In memory of Nardie Stein)

Brad Miller (in honor of Michael Weinberg, Jr.)

Dr. Richard Milsten and Mrs. Nancy Milsten

Jeffrey G. Mora

Betsy Murray & Russ Stark

The Muzik Family (In memory of Nardie Stein)

Zachary Muzik

James & Kathleen Myer

Frederick Nachman and Janet N. Nachman Family Fund

Nancy Nathan (In honor of Emil Nathan III)

Bob & Mary Nefsky

Alex Neil and Family

Jeff Neuman

Buzz Neusteter, Katy Neusteter and Thad Kurowski

Andrew Newman

Edison and Newman and Solomon Families

Chi Nguyen

Cathy O'Dell (friend of Jane Stein Kerr) (in honor of Nardie Stein)

Stephen Olsen

Robert Oppenheimer

David Palmer

Sandy Passer

Bianca Pasternack (In honor of Nardie Stein)

David and Amy Patent

Betty and Thomas Philipsborn

Alfredo & Monica Phillips

Nana Hope Phillips

Alfredo Phillips & Sons

Leslie Phillips (In honor of Andrew Condrell)

James Platt (In memory of Nardie Stein)

Charles Portis (In loving memory of Jack Polsky & Nardie Stein)

Joel & Renee Posener

Sue and Ben Post and Family (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Drs. Michael Privitera and Marcia Kaplan

Judy & Paul Putzel

Adam Quiat (In memory of Mindy Quiat)

Daniel Quiat

The Reichert Family

David & Kathie Rigby (In Memory of our son Jacob)

Michele and Larry Rivkin Charitable Fund

Pat and Jerry Robertson (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Andy & Cindy Rolfe

Jim Rolfe (in memory of Michael Rolfe)

The Rorsted Family

Doug & Michelle Rose

Marya & Anthony Rose

Jim Rosen (in honor of Nardie Stein and Bob Nefsky)

Mark S Rosenberg

Kathy & Skip Rosenblatt

Ellen & Philip Rosenbloom

John and Frances Rosenheim

Bill Rosenthal and Carol Murphy

Roger Rosenthal

Robert and Cynthia Rothbaum

Jacob Rothman and Rachel Leah

Edgar Rothschild

Joel Rubenstein (In honor of Nardie Stein)

Robbie and Brittany Rudich

Joan Russell

Patricia C Russell

Frank Sachs

Frank & Chris Sachs

David Sachs

Stephen Sachs (In memory of E.J. Hahn)

Kari Sachs (In honor of Q’s Corner)

Steven M. Salky

Dan and Dawn Saltzstein (In honor of Edward and John Saltzstein)

Arizona Saltzstein's

Joy Sandweiss and Family

Andy and Betsy Saslawsky Family Foundation

Betsy, Andy, Joel, Matthew Saslawsky (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Kit Sawyer

John Sawyer

Jon & Suzanne Scharff

Adler Schermer Foundation

Marc Schieber

The Schiff Family

Elliot & Sara Schiffer

Bruce Schimberg

Geoff Schimberg

Bennett Schmidt

Fred & Pat Schonwald (in honor of “The Neffer”)

Pat & Fred Schonwald, Jr. Gift Fund

Albert Schram (in honor of Mark Witcoff)

Jay Schulman

The Schulmans (Jeff, Jim, Andrew, Carol) (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Adam Schwartz

Andrew and Deborah Schwartz Charitable Fund

Sam Schwartz (In Honor of Jon Harris)

Robert J. Schweich Fund

Hank & Esther Schweich (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Bob and Monique, Susie and Ralph (Robert Schweich Fund) (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Charles A Seigel III (In honor of The Seigel Family)

Arlene Semel (In honor of Mitch Semel)

Mitchell Semel  (In memory of Chuck Semel)

Mitch, Drew and David Semel (in honor of Nardie Stein)

David and Heidi Serwer

Joe Shacter

Amar Shah

Rand Shapiro

The Sher Family

Maya, Christina, Noah, and Alissa Shoukri (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Eric, Rhonda, Stuart, Philip and Nathan Siegel Family

Matthew Silver (In honor of Mitch Semel)

Robert Silverman (In memory of Nardie Stein)

Gary Silversmith

Dana & Seth Singerman

Mindy & Gary Sircus (In honor of Joel Sircus' big how birthday)

Brad Sklar

Louise & Jerry Sklar (In honor of Ronny's Special Birthday)

Ron & Linda Ellen Sklar

Janet Slate (In honor of Sam Allen and in memory of George Allen)

William Sloan (in celebration of Gabriel Sloan-Garcia)

Ellen and Richard Slosburg Family Foundation

Jeffrey Bob Smith

Josh Smith and Lael Culiner

Rick Smith (in honor of Neffer)

Bradley W. Snyder

Michael Sobel

Joshua & Geula Solomon

Rodney Solomon

Charlie and Jeanne Sosland

Oscar Soule

Anne and Jon Spear Charitable Fund

Don Spero and Nancy Chasen

Alex Spiegel (in memory of Nardie Stein)

Steven Spiegel

Jon Star

Norton Starr

Nardie, Sally, Jane, Jessie, and Ted Stein

Noah Stein

Sally Stein (in memory of Bob Nefsky)

Edward Stein (In honor of Bob Nefsky)

Irving Stenn, Jr. 

Ann & Will Stern

David Stern

Gregory Stewart

John & Merrie Stillpass (In memory of Joanne H. Wolf)

Joe Stokely

Nancy & Barney Straus

Stan Strauss

Stanton Strauss

Striker Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation

The Strull Family

Billy Susman

Stephen Tanenbaum

Emma Templeton

The Thackers

Throck 1971

Tom and Jennifer Tierney

Tom Tisch

Jeff Trenton

Niels Trolle

William Tucker (In honor of Sally Elson)

Sally and Kent Wagner

Bill & Nikki Wallenstein

Roger & Judy Wallenstein

Alex Wang and Zachary Zhang

Esther Starrels and John Wasserman

John Wasserman (in memory of Bob "Neffer" Nefsky)

Lori Weil

Paul & Harriet Weinberg

MIke Weinberg (In memory of Nardie Stein)

Michael Weinberg (in honor of Bernard "Nardie” Stein and Michael Weinberg Jr.)

Cathy & Craig Weiss and Family

Isaac Weiss-Meyer (In honor of Judy & Allan Sher)

Hank Wineman

Henry Wineman II, Robert Wineman, and Henry Wineman III

Debbie & Adam Winick

Mark & Laura Wittcoff

Jim & Nicki Woldenberg Family

Jason Yale & Emily Jodock Yale

David Zalk (In memory of Charles Zalk)

Cody Zalk and Family

Cory Zigler

Lon Zimmerman (In Memory of Nardie Stein)

Anonymous (In honor of James M. Kraft)

Anonymous (In memory of Nardie Stein)

Anonymous (in honor of Bernard Stein)

يجب أن يكون هذا مكان ترحيب للجميع


Ovo će biti mjesto dobrodošlice za sve

Dette skal være et velkomststed for alle

This shall be a place of welcome for all

Ce sera un lieu d'accueil pour tous

Dies soll ein Ort des Willkommens für alle sein

Αυτό θα είναι ένα μέρος υποδοχής για όλους

זה יהיה מקום קבלתפנים לכולם

Questo sarà un luogo di benvenuto per tutti


이곳은 모두가 환영받는 곳이 될 것이다

Este será um lugar de boas-vindas para todos

lla raf emoclew fo ecalp a eb laags siht

Это будет место приветствия для всех

Este será un lugar de acogida para todos

Detta ska vara en välkomstplats för alla

Burası herkesin hoş karşılanacağı bir yer olacak

Це місце буде гостинним місцем для всіх

Đây sẽ là nơi chào đón tất cả mọi người

Bydd hwn yn lle o groeso i bawb